former state street rat

oh! the Jonas brothers sing. okay.

People take Glenn Beck seriously? Really?

not sure where else to put this, but I caught most of Man Bites Dog last night on IFC while I was lightheaded and sleepy. I decided to watch it based solely on the comment-outrage over it not being in the faux-doc article. I didn't catch the very beginning or the very end - I think I started about when the first sound

hey, I read those too! silly livejournal, so full of "drama."

stupid me for not reading down far enough to get to this thread.

maybe I should read further down next time. This is the thread I was looking for.

umm… Maxx-liking people? MTV has episodes available online.

yes. I would play the fuck out of a voice-controlled Warcraft.

fuck yeah, Airborne!

@Flu Season: 1000 Homo DJs. The only things I've heard from that band are the Supernaut cover and a song called "Hey Asshole" which consists of some industrial music, people chanting "hey, asshole! hey, asshole!" while a cop gives some kid a bunch of shit for being outside.

"…it's the money!"

wallrock - I remember that episode, but I could've sworn Murray Brother A handed Murray Brother B something harder than beer - whiskey, maybe?

heh. my first big on-my-own super mutant fight (outside Hubris Comics - where there's like four of them guarding a captive) was to "Mighty Mighty Man." There's just something awesome about blasting heads off listening to Roy Brown singing about how being single owns.

oh, Heist. I love that movie.

THIS was the thread I was looking for. besides the obvious "It STINKS!" I use…