I am Wildman

Q Lazzarus - Goodbye Horses

The truly sad thing is Kring has no choice but to make this. His other television projects have fizzled, and paying the upkeep for that giant robot he lives in the midriff of can't be cheap.

It's hard to want to remember most of NBC's recent genre programming with fondness; but there was a long tracking shot during an episode of "The Event," where FBI agents are making their way through a building that's imploding around them, that stood out to me when I watched it.

One of the biggest losses suffered by this show ending after two seasons was never getting an episode spotlighting Elongated Man's relationship/rivalry with Plastic Man.  And if could get John Cusack to do Plas' voice…

Nothing compares to the episode of the Muppet Show hosted by G.G. Allin.

Nothing compares to the episode of the Muppet Show hosted by G.G. Allin.

Nope, not a holiday episode; but it did feature Anthrax singing "Kooky, Kooky, Lend Me Your Comb" with Edd "Kooky" Byrnes."If this stuff came out of the fridge, why is it hot?"

Nope, not a holiday episode; but it did feature Anthrax singing "Kooky, Kooky, Lend Me Your Comb" with Edd "Kooky" Byrnes."If this stuff came out of the fridge, why is it hot?"