
Ward even has a list! A LIST of all the evil shell companies. *facepalm*

Sort of surprised they didn't save all this turmoil for the season's end. But it was pretty goddamn magnificent! I haven't checked if there's been a renewal, but if we end up with a season four, I fully expect Kenna to return JUST as Mary and Bash are about to consummate their (apparently long-burning) unrequited love

I feel pretty much the same way about Scarlet Witch, WORLD BREAKER. But she's still very new to her powers, I suppose.

I was SHOCKED he didn't go for his phone first thing.

And, speaking of characters that have sort of been forgotten, I would adore if Luisa's ex (unseen in the pilot) came back at some point.

Right? Even Roman Zazo, his best friend from college, ended up 1) sleeping with Rafael's wife, 2) working for drug lord, and 3) impaled. Where are Rafael's bros?

Well, thank god you and your mother are here to speak for everybody from the Philippines.

I'm super-impressed by how quickly they've given Diane and Jackie, as well as the kids, their own storylines. And I like how connected everybody is—Jackie and Warren as phone conversation buddies is something I'd like to continue.