hunter gathers

The S. M. Stirling one? I'll send you my paperback trilogy if you send me contact info via my Discuss email. I need the shelf space.

It's not even spare money. It can be far too much. This can be one of the myriad gateways into a life of crime and its consequences.
Me also violently despising Hegel and everyone he influenced is also obviously not helpful, here, so I'll withdraw with good will toward everyone.

The Whom.

That's some good Steinbeck.

Finished Lois McMaster Bujold's intriguing and compelling Gentleman Jole and the Red Queen Vorkosigan novel. Closing in on the finish of Mary Beard's outstanding SPQR. Holding the remainder of Bill Bryson's The Road to Little Dribbling in tactical reserve. Going to pick up A. A. Gill's autobiography Pour Me at the

Dog-age to dog-age.

Bob is the "normal" one. DuPont must have been releasing all kinds of stuff into the water table…

I'm so sorry.

"I'm going to sit here in this comfortable, air-conditioned studio and watch Jim get savaged by a pack of rabid hyenas. Again."
Marlin was a sadistic old bastard.

I like you!

I'm pleased The Purple One publicly acknowledged her passing.

Yeah, you know, Homer, me and some of the other Ghouls have been talking, and we think you should murder your entire family.


God, I love that avatar! Where did you get it?

This is sad news.

Fellow RBF sufferer and brooder. Also adult male. It happens, but it happens to women a lot more.

There's I reason I don't get Hey, Beastmasters On.

You experienced something that Donald Trump, despite his wealth, cannot. Count yourself lucky. ;-)

Do see The League of Gentlemen seasons 1 and 2.
"Ah dohn't lihke that Bradley Pitts, anywhey."

And you should know better, my lad!