hunter gathers

Mazower is a damned good historian and writer.

The Learned English Dog. No man owns Him, Sir!

Solyent Brown is made of shitheads! IT'S SHITHEADS!

Yet his caviar was terrible!

After Phil Lamar, Sasso was the funniest dude on that show ever.

Only seasons 2 and 3 are worth a shit. 1 is an interesting mess and Artie Lange's drug-addled funny.

You knew he would!

Hand Me That Saw was made possible by the generous support of Viewers Like You.

Not to the Light Side, I'm guessing. Bad, Bad Guy! BAD-BAD-GUY! Bad, Bad Guy! REALLY-BAD-GUY! Bad, Bad Guy! Bad, Bad Guy!(those are the lyrics)

Take off the helmet, already!

So glad You've finally shown up! We've had various Jesi and popes hanging around here purporting to act as Your representative. Now we can get it straight from the Horse's mouth, as it were. I've taken the liberty of preparing a list of questions…

Nope. He ripped off Fred Allen. He even stole the man's last name, for goodness' sake!

Look out, he's got a knife!
Look out, he's got a gun!
Look out, he's got herpes!

Miscegenation! That's all you were ever about! It was you what caused The War Between The States! ;-)

"No! Locksmith."

That would be a huge surprise.

[loses control of butterfly knife, cuts self, shouts "FUCK!" into PA system during high school graduation ceremony]

And it's going to cost that much or more to go to trial.


Then both of you will be harshly reprimanded by HR.