hunter gathers

Someone release Sam from the basement! That poor, poor man…

You don't need it all at once! Mudslides a'comin'!

He's going to get so many people on his side with that!

Well, if there were more Weinstein it would have to kept in a vat.

Shrimp-skin coats.
Shrimp-based religion.

Mechanically Separated Pork Products?

Well, we usually all get pissed on New Years Eve. January 1 is our Hangover Day.

I'm shocked that took this long. Happy Winter Solstice Adjacent Celebration of your choice, everyone!

Fuck it, why not. I will be immigrating to your country, though.

It's how he attempted to say it and got it hilariously wrong.

It makes me absolutely apoplectic.

CBGBs: Comic Book Guy's Bitch.
The Anti-Prequel Noise became utterly off-putting, then the apologists became insufferable.

The thing that makes all of the prequels bad is absolutely fucking horrible writing.

What have I told you lot about avoiding Elias Canetti's Crowds And Power?

I can't love that any more than I do. I give doggy $100.

That tree was on the toilet!

Always love me some WILLFROMVA. Howdy, neighbor! You're a damned good writer.

The Strong O'Neal for hauling the heaping, sagging sadness of the Cosby Horrors.
It needed to be done, but it looked brutally hard to do. Thank you for trying to shield us from the shit-typhoon yet still giving us the facts. Spend more time with your children and disregard this nattering asshole.

That was an extremely good article.

[sighs and puts on reindeer costume]