hunter gathers

Return Of The Giant Blue Dongs!

Very interesting article.

"Now I'm off to buy a turkey so big you'd think it's mother had been rogered by an omnibus." I have the DVD set and we'll be watching that.

Ask This Old Wood.

Well, I saw it first and I was a huge fan of Mann's directing from Miami Vice.

Happy birthday, El Santo! She should have got you several changes of mask as well, if only to cut down on laundry.

That sucks. I'm sorry.

Confession: I thought the Hannibal Red Dragon episodes were fucking awful, and I loved the rest of the series. It's probably because I'm old.
[starts playing "In The Garden of Eden" by Rev. I. Ron Butterfly]

Good on you, lad! I'm pleased you are happy and doing well!

Or as seven year old me thought: "What the fuck? Why is Maude here? Ooh, cool Boba Fett cartoon!"

Many movie theatres these days have a Loan Officer directly opposite the concessions stands, so they can check your credit and arrange some sort of payment plan.

I'm glad it's the easiest work you ever do.

It's a reference to "the footage" in Gibson's novel Zero History.

He's a critic, not Mean Joe Greene. He earned that lanyard!

Alex needs to wear that lanyard and badge like a Medal Of Honor.

Royal Purple Bowl: Entirely Too Many Mormons.

Oh, this won't end well…

That's the bitch thing about releasing A Perfect Album. You're only going to disappoint people.

Good but Seth Rogen.

Actually, there are quite a few things in World's End I'd like to be apologized to for.