hunter gathers

And I'm going to keep it that way. Fuck off, Hair-Rancher.

Well, some has to do the Simpsons quote:
"HAA! Hungry, Hungry Hippos!"

It kinda makes you want to puke, doesn't it?

"Toys That Colonel Gentleman Didn't Have As A Lad- Because They Weren't Invented Yet.
1. Micronauts!"

I'm going to second Mr. Saturn on Heroes Reborn.

Go die in a ditch, you vile little bastard.

"My Dearest Ophelia,
This War is truly a Motherfucker of World-Historical Proportions…"

Too much damned fiddle music.

Do you remember fiddling with the clips on the back of the television at what you where told was a sure risk of electrocution?

I was the first remote control device my family had by the time I was five. "Boy, change the channel over to 13."

It is hard to keep looking at a sad, twisted, funhouse-mirror version of you and your career. That has to become grating after a while.

Done and done, and by that I mean fuck this ignorant assclown.

Joey, you don't even believe in Jebus!

She spells it with a y and an e, because Parents.

Still absolutely beautiful, though. Her nose isn't nearly as big as I thought it was from Breaking Bad. That hairstyle is wonderful for her.

That's probably a village somewhere in England.

Well, the bastard total missed The Gobbling Turkey!
"THIS year, HE'LL baste YOU!"

And eternally damned for trying to use old Replacements music to coolify a horrid turd of a movie.

That one gave me a big brain-stutter, too, although I was ten at the time and paying attention. I got it before time ran out, though.

That's me. The Republic-Of-Watch-This-Space. Hell, I'm old enough to remember two Yemens, and they both done me wrong.