hunter gathers

DAMN, that's hateful!

"Rake! ….BIG RAKE!"
EDIT: I'm going to Hell for this one. Some one hold my hand?
Yeah, I'd thought not.

And now that we've heard from the fourteen-year-olds in the audience, we're putting into practice absolutely nothing they've said! Come on, really?! ;-)

Well-spotted, that person!

You can learn so much just by setting quietly and listening.

Exceedingly well said.

I'm an American and 44, but I always "Sir" or "Ma'am" until I'm asked or told not to. My mother would beat me to death, and it's just courtesy. I admire young people with courtesy and tact. They are rare in all cultures. It seems confining, but it is actually a social lubricant and there for a reason.

Hence my comment, Mr. Goat. ;-)


Friends, Relations, What Ever The Hell Dirtbike Milksteaks is or turns out to be.

I want to read that because I want to know why?

He got better.

Good on you, Sir.

Such as: What color is the sky, in your world?

How long is the Ready Reserve commitment, now?

Get out now while you're young, Sir. There's no future in killing.
Learn to do something else. I teach kids history and geography now, and it's a pretty good gig.

He may be drunk, but he's not wrong.

Just think of us like a nasty rash. We'll go away, eventually.

That's where the money comes from. Not necessarily the actors.

Are you thinking of taking up carpentry anytime soon?