hunter gathers

Who do you think distributes all of the woods-porn? It didn't get there by itself!

That's a Wendigo.
Worst. Camper. Purchase. EVER!

All right, but that's all you're getting for Christmas this year.

Oh, the gain! The gain in exposure!

The really weird thing is that Lugosi's Spanish is better than his English. I guess it's because he grew up speaking Romanian, too. His line deliveries are noticeably smoother.

Despite what the National GOP thinks, Latinos aren't going to go for Rubio. As their not-so-secret weapon on that front, Rubio's going to be an epic failure.

Oh, not the Departments of Defense or [shudder] Homeland Security.

Complete and utter annihilation of every last vestige of The New Deal has been their ultimate strategic goal for 35 years.

Lupin will save all of the spiders from a fire, in his defense.

All of the Klansmen that show up opening night are going to be in for a hell of shock. And it only took 100 years!

"Oh, you mean The Kraut. Top floor."

The Dafoemation of Prague.
EDIT: I should probably go throw myself out a window.

"He's a character actor… No, I don't think he's dead!

Boin In Hell, Yah Old Bastid!

Keeping in mind that most of us had three channels and there was fuck-all else on. Many of my friends' younger siblings were conceived that way.

I always loved his sarcastic, bitchy humor, but even in my single digits I realized the man may as well have been carrying a sign. He was butcher than Liberace, I'll give him that.


Mort always scared the crap out of me.

Nothing! We had a frozen spaghetti from a local manufacturer which we've eaten many times before and that was well-within its use by dates last night, and Madame Gathers was fine. I'm feeling much better, now, thanks.
I've had food poisoning and actual dysentery, and it wasn't that bad, but damned unpleasant