hunter gathers


Self-sabotage a specialty. But music I'll love until I die came out of it. I'll take it.

There was never very much of it. Twin/Tone would do a pressing of 200-300 max because it was so expensive. Cassette was their main medium.
Original 'Mats vinyl is fucking rare.


I chuck The Magnolias in there at the ass-end.

New Day Rising has an ugly cover? Punxy, you high! ;-)
I'm also really partial to the Flip Your Wig cover, and the Zen Arcade cover is pretty much iconic. The Warner covers are shit, though.

"Forgive me if I fuck this up a little bit."
[starts playing "Answering Machine" on a twelve-string]

Fuck that!

[spits out ring] Hey! A prize!

[lowers head into cupped hands]

Who has to come in and clear away the rubble and clean up the Kraken shit after The Clash of The Titans? ;-) Who has to come in and unfuck all of the things superhero/supervillain battles have fucked up so that life can return to a semblance of its former self in the area affected? I find that and interesting premise.

It definitely goes into the "boring but important" category.

I've heard 'em all and made up a few.

West Virginia. We fuck our relatives!

I'll have you know that Kentucky is across the river from me!

This is important: do you understand German?

Lobster tacos. There's no reason to go all El Buli on this like some gibbering Catalunan!

He can get a steak the size of toilet seat every day, cheap. He's fine.


I like the looks of the new National Library, but I haven't been back to see it in person.