hunter gathers

This is, of course, an incredibly dangerous delusion.

The ongoing construction work at our school caused a gas leak that resulted in a Surprise Day Off yesterday! That's why I was on here shooting my mouth off so much. ;-)
Also, five of my students made the Top Ten in our school-wide Geography Bee!

1688 is a good one!

Madame Gathers has started her annual re-read of A Night At The Lonesome October. :-)

The problem with that novel is that they try to force people to read it when they are too young.

The Army and Navy chiefs essentially put Hirohito in the same position as Emperors under the Shogunates, didn't they? Reduced to a virtually powerless symbol used to endorse the decisions of the warlords.

I need to try this.

When you find yourself slicing garlic with a double-edged razor blade, you have officially seen it too many times.

The Kamen sounds excellent and I just added it to my Amazon Wish List.
Thanks, Judkins! My word, this gent's been prolific. I'll have to check his other stuff out.

I just received my copy of Greg Proops' The Smartest Book in the World, which is great fun, and Felipe Fernandez-Armesto's Our America: A Hispanic History Of The United States, which looks fascinating.

That's not Lucy, that a fucking Cagot image!

Assholes & Endomorphs!

What if the show bores you to death? ;-)

If you're six feet under, at least you're spared from listening to Eli Roth run his expensively over-educated stupid trap. The man is fundamentally stupid and has the aesthetic and literary sensibility of a poorly-made brick. He's a legacy, trust-fund asshole who still has trouble getting movies made because they're

You thinking of old Hipponax? ;-)

He's never been that funny, Anxie! Be serious for a minute!

It was the rolling 'rrr' that sold it!

Nazi-Commies, Commie-Nazis. They're both Bad For The Jews (and everyone else, frankly)! This is a ZAZ production.

Late Neolithic and had some copper on him from what I can remember.

Norman Mailer! Oh, I'm sorry, I read that as Scariest Monsters of Literature…