Alcing Functionholic

@Boi Gringo - 2nd season.

These … are not the hammer.

They got one for "The Edge." Anthony Hopkins & Alec Baldwin totally killed it with a handmade spear, after it ate Michael.

Magic Lasso can be fun, but you really want to stretch beforehand. Otherwise you might pull something, and that'll just kill the mood.

Like "butt"?

My mom hated Avatar.


Everyone's a little bit racist sometimes.

Was that based on the novel Precious by Sapphire?

I thought the score was the best part of Sunshine.

Damn right. You can take down a wolf man with a kick to the nards.

Or a Lithuanian Scrabble tournament!

Aniston's career will not die.

Does Jennifer Aniston get frozen in carbonite at any point?

"I'm a stud" = "My attractiveness goes to another school, in Canada, so you'll probably never see it. We met at summer camp."

I'm pretty confident Miles's girlfriend is someone completely irrelevant who we'll never, ever meet.

Stop fighting!! Be friends!!

Not only is it worth noting, Spider, but it has been. A couple of times. A few posts up.

Nadir? That's the guy who siphoned off just enough lefty votes from Gore to put the 2000 election within swiping distance for W!

EKO IS TIRED OF PLAYING GANGSTERS ALL THE TIME! And he hates working in a tropical environment.