
Agreed completely. I feel like this show gives me just enough promise each week to continue watching. I can see the potential, and you're right, they need to cut the focus down. Does anyone really care about Edgar? The guy who quit because of his family (forget his name already)? Bill?

Great season! I hope it comes back.

Another fantastic episode to a killer season. Great work MSW, great work.

Thought this was a fantastic way to start the final season. For me, I was the person who started with this show in S1 and was immediately hooked given that I was 21 and about to graduate college and was surrounded with some people who reminded me of the characters.

Heart condition? Come on, this is a textbook overdose. Two heavy sedatives (especially the mass killer fentanyl) and a strong stimulant. That's called a speedball and it's one of the leading causes of overdose deaths.

The sequence of ever escalating picture drawiing…my God… I haven't laughed that hard at a show in years. I don't even know why I found it so funny, it caught me so off guard that the animals kept switching but it still had the same "word bubble" wow. Just fantastic and completely bizarre. Love this show so much and

Yet another fantastic episode. So glad the reviews came back and are still going strong!

Another great episode in a much improved season 3.

This show is amazing. Why more people aren't talking about it is downright baffling. It's one of the most unique shows I have ever seen.