Rumor has it that if you read the issue it's explained. But the fact remains that it's still looks like he's threatening the reader on his first issue. Not very friendly.
Rumor has it that if you read the issue it's explained. But the fact remains that it's still looks like he's threatening the reader on his first issue. Not very friendly.
Rumor has it that if you read the issue it's explained. But the fact remains that it's still looks like he's threatening the reader on his first issue. Not very friendly.
It's Middle Eastern food. They all claim its theirs.
It's Middle Eastern food. They all claim its theirs.
For a long time I was one of those teenagers who found it annoying every time Batman was referred to, it would come along with "POW! BAM!" like in the newspaper or something? But then I saw this show and I no longer mind.
For a long time I was one of those teenagers who found it annoying every time Batman was referred to, it would come along with "POW! BAM!" like in the newspaper or something? But then I saw this show and I no longer mind.
Wait a minute! It happened at sea! C for Catwoman!
Wait a minute! It happened at sea! C for Catwoman!
I found a pirated DVD set of the complete Batman and gave it to my brother for his birthday. If you go to cons some booths sell these old TV shows in DVD form, for those of us who don't have the patience to torrent/burn it all.
I found a pirated DVD set of the complete Batman and gave it to my brother for his birthday. If you go to cons some booths sell these old TV shows in DVD form, for those of us who don't have the patience to torrent/burn it all.
I bought it and then felt like a sucker seeing as how it's on Netflix now. At least the money went to a good cause.
I bought it and then felt like a sucker seeing as how it's on Netflix now. At least the money went to a good cause.
AKA "Scrubs" syndrome.
AKA "Scrubs" syndrome.
Yeah there was one part of Catch-22 which was almost exactly like "The Late Captain Pierce" in which someone (I think it was Doc Daneka?) was legally dead and ran into all those aforementioned problems, including his wife taking all the compensation money and then finding another man.
Yeah there was one part of Catch-22 which was almost exactly like "The Late Captain Pierce" in which someone (I think it was Doc Daneka?) was legally dead and ran into all those aforementioned problems, including his wife taking all the compensation money and then finding another man.
By the way, T-Dog does not exist in the world of the comic.
By the way, T-Dog does not exist in the world of the comic.