Imma Lawyer

Stone came to speak at my college in the late 90s, and drew a crowd of maybe 2000. He got wasted before the speech, obviously had nothing prepared, and rambled so incoherently (and, worse, boringly) that maybe 1/3 of the audience was still there at the end.  Then he went out to dinner with the film & theater faculty,

This song resides in a unique niche where it no longer gets airplay in any format, and probably hasn't for 15 years, but was still big enough at the time that there was a segment on it in I LOVE THE 90s.

This song resides in a unique niche where it no longer gets airplay in any format, and probably hasn't for 15 years, but was still big enough at the time that there was a segment on it in I LOVE THE 90s.

"Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"

"Do you know what happens to a toad when it's struck by lightning?"

It's interesting that "formerly stuffy character cuts loose by playing Guitar Hero" became such an overdone screenwriting trope in the last 5 years.  Even more interesting that the production and release cycle means that movies based on scripts obviously written in the mid '00s are still trickling out so that

It's interesting that "formerly stuffy character cuts loose by playing Guitar Hero" became such an overdone screenwriting trope in the last 5 years.  Even more interesting that the production and release cycle means that movies based on scripts obviously written in the mid '00s are still trickling out so that

I think the early '00s trifecta of K-PAX, PAY IT FORWARD and THE LIFE OF DAVID GALE might have had something to do with it.

I think the early '00s trifecta of K-PAX, PAY IT FORWARD and THE LIFE OF DAVID GALE might have had something to do with it.

Suggestion for future installment: the Kate Hudson "ass cancer" rom-com A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN. 

Suggestion for future installment: the Kate Hudson "ass cancer" rom-com A LITTLE BIT OF HEAVEN. 

I for one am shocked that his next-level tactic of claiming to not remember the year he spent in Rikers Island didn't make him a credible witness or sympathetic plaintiff.  But commenters assured me that he "owned" the attorney taking his depo, so good for him.

I for one am shocked that his next-level tactic of claiming to not remember the year he spent in Rikers Island didn't make him a credible witness or sympathetic plaintiff.  But commenters assured me that he "owned" the attorney taking his depo, so good for him.

“But after witnessing some things, it feels like the world is a dystopia where victims don’t get justice and corruption prevails.”

“But after witnessing some things, it feels like the world is a dystopia where victims don’t get justice and corruption prevails.”

Generally positive on Kylie, but come on now, this is a prime Least Essential Music of 2012 candidate, not a "B."  When the dude from Art Brut told people to stop buying albums from the supermarket, he was predicting this record.

Generally positive on Kylie, but come on now, this is a prime Least Essential Music of 2012 candidate, not a "B."  When the dude from Art Brut told people to stop buying albums from the supermarket, he was predicting this record.

Real question is whether Jenny Lewis is ever going to do another worthwhile album. No, another Jenny and Johnny record does not fit the bill.

Real question is whether Jenny Lewis is ever going to do another worthwhile album. No, another Jenny and Johnny record does not fit the bill.

This is all just an elaborate ploy on her part to get Giovanni Ribisi back.