Your Highness

I shed light like cats shed fur.
Ride around town like Raymond Burr.

Fishing for a line inside of my brain
and looking at the world through my window pane.

I've already got a trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watc…
Only in my version the cake splits in have and D-Day drives the Deathmobile into the grandstands.

You can't talk about Seeds of Doom without mentioning H.P. Lovecraft's "At the Mountain of Madness". What is it about Antarctica that extracts so much from the darkness of the human psyche? From Edgar Allen Poe's "The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym" to the X-Files movie to the best section of Chabon's "Kavalier and


That's why I drink nothing but distilled water and Russian vodka. Oh, and here's a fun little video about mind control: http://www.youtube.com/watc….

Boromir was a prick the entire film until he redeemed himself right before he died. And by redeemed I mean he's still a prick.

*supposed to be*

dammit *I'm*

Prequel, I pretty sure Deckard was a replicant designed specifically to take out Rutger Hauer's crew. What's this flick supposed be about, his artificial memories?

This spambot is my new favorite gimmick poster. And I gotta tell you, Bl ac'kw hiteC u'pid / Co m is way better than getting shot down on a planet constantly strafed by meteors and then getting knocked up Dennis Quaid.

fishing for a line inside of my brain
and looking at the world through my window pane

I shed light like cats shed fur
Ride around town like Raymond Burr