Mean Mean Monkey

Every week the 'lack' of football material is mentioned in the reviews. It's made me wonder if, since much of the season was probably written not knowing how or when the strike would resolve itself, they dialed back the football stuff intentionally. Wouldn't surprise me if they kept the football stuff to a minimum,

Y'know, it's true. If a movie can't entertain the drunken shouting fucktard, then it's a very bad movie.

HipsterDBag: You think it's a funny gimmick name until you read his posts.

"Pejorative term"… how about 'television executives."

Your suggestion about every other sketch not being a talk show for a change was a valid one.

Cool with it? This is what's known as a major upgrade.

It's a bad idea to say "Here's what they should have done" and suggest something even worse.

Waters is a really entertaining personality and storyteller. And a pretty crummy filmmaker. If there's a career he seems to have influenced, it's Kevin Smith's.

Um, you guys do realize Sandler didn't lose any money on this, right? In fact, I'm sure he made a tidy sum just in writing and producing fees. A studio "funded" this flop, not Adam Sandler.

Yeah, real funny and interesting.My comment was aimed at the fact that people make these exact same comments and complaints every single year with this show (and The Simpsons, and probably soon Community, and on and on). And I am one of the people who grow tired of these complaints… and post THIS exact post every

Ah, SNL is back - as are all the same, stupid comments.


Horribly and depressingly well said, Captain. Also hilariously.

I don't know if Lucas hates 'Star Wars,' but this latest round of changes has me thinking he really hates the fans. Not that he's still making changes (okay, now the Ewoks blink, who really gives a shit one way or the other), but the nature of the changes he's making.

Michael Vick got smashed in the face and was spitting up blood! As a dog-lover that was the best sports moment I'd seen in a long time… even if it still wasn't nearly violent enough.

Angst in My Pants and In Outer Space are in regular rotation in our CD player at work. "Eaten By the Monster of Love" never fails to make me laugh.

Film the play, guys. Like, y'know, in the olden days. Preserve the original cast production that way. Then, when you're ready, make the movie. I swear, it won't destroy the revenue stream.

Yup, thank your mom, dude. My mom drove me 50 miles to a theatre so I could see a double feature of Monty Python and the Holy Grail and Phantom of the Paradise. And she laughed with me through both of 'em. That's some rare, all-time great stuff.

I wasn't aware of this while it was happening, but read the book this weekend. Laugh out loud funny.

An R-rated double feature: Blazing Saddles and The Longest Yard. It was fucking awesome, and I'm fucking old.