I'd add Tom Hanks to that short list, personally.
I'd add Tom Hanks to that short list, personally.
I'd like to see Keenan go, too… but I don't have the same read on his 'sad' intro. Shit, the sad is what he does on the show itself.
Jackson Browne? Pissed off? Aw, that NEVER happens! Right, Daryl Hannah?
Kicking and Screaming had a great everything. Still my favorite Baumbach. I just hate that whenever I recommend it to anyone they stare at me weirdly until I add "Not the soccer movie with Will Farrel."
C'mon, guys - can't we all just unite and be happy with the failure of others?
Painful rectal itch > Chelsea Handler
I don't know who Megan Ellison is…
… but after this past couple weeks, I think I love her.
Oh, but PLEASE keep watching so you can post every week to voice your displeasure.
Thanks, Paul. I appreciate th—- Hang on, someone's at the door…
I actually pre-ordered the Book of Mormon original cast recording without having heard a note. I have faith in Trey and Matt. And I'm just that secure in my masculinity.
I posted a comment last night, and my picture was slapped with one of the mysterious e's. Then, a little while later, it was gone. It's makin' me paranoid, man!
Both thank you and damn you - that's exactly what I was gonna say!
If you were in Osama's compound you were fair game. I can't believe there were many wide-eyed innocents in there. Sorry.
Charlie Sheen and I agree on something!
Here's my 'review' of Damage's post:
Both shows are great. No arguments necessary. My Thursday nights consist of Community at 8… kill time until Parks & Rec… switch to FX for Archer… go to sleep happy.
That first Cars record is like listening to a Greatest Hits album. Not a dud in the bunch.
Best Beatles:
Ringo - Seems to appreciate his life most. There aren't too many 'Ringo as asshole' stories out there.
George: See Ringo, with more talent.
Paul: Huge talent, weird life choices after Linda died. There are a fair amount of 'Paul as asshole' stories. But the fact that he has made public appearances with Yoko…
Peter Stormare's making a habit of being the best thing in terrible, terrible genre movies. First 'Constantine' and now this shit. Fuck pride, give the Coen Brothers a call, man! Whatever you did to cause the falling out can be forgiven!
Benny Hill theme song. Is it called 'Yakkity Sax' or something?