Lazy Ass Registered Troll

Fuck those fucking fucks.
"You're pretty much on your own, kid. If the government isn't actively obstructing you, then it isn't present when you need it, either."

No CasperDB, your comments were highly emotional; vitriolic bile, and faintly racist vitriolic bile at that. To say that New York has no experience in community building is to ignore the phenomenal efforts made by New Yorkers of all stripes to address - and resolve - the catastrophe that was New York in the late 70s.

Well! Isn't this lively? What fun.

So Harry Shearer and Douglas Brinkley? Thanks, that's a good start.

Ah, right, the documentary made by Spike Lee for HBO. So you're saying that's where I'd go for an unemotional, scholarly account of Katrina that doesn't indulge in convenient narratives or an anger that disguises the vital facts of the situation?

Does anyone know where to find a good account of Katrina?
Clearly this show isn't it, and isn't supposed to be. It's fiction, and well crafted fiction. Fine.

To the poster who might have said some shit sometime: I don't know what you're talking about.

You all are professionals, so tell me:
How long are we going to have to put up with whatsherfuck - that girl from the movie about the dudes with the abs who all want to sleep with her but evidently she just can't get around to it for god knows what reason.

Yes, it would be nice if more women in pop music could just make great music, instead of making a big stink about how hard it is for women to make great music because of blah blah blah were you saying something?

This might be…
The best treatise on modern feminism that I've ever read. Jezebel oughta be embarrassed right now.

Shit, you're right. I shoulda run that by you first.

And why couldn't Ben just say, "No, I've got all the cards here so you'll write that letter too?"
That really bugged me too. It doesn't take Prince Machiavelli to figure out that Yale isn't going listen very hard to the opinions of a disgraced mid-level administrator.

Here's what I like about Diablo Cody.
It takes a special kind of woman to go around wearing a necklace that reads "fuck my face" and then act like she's above a sapphic publicity stunt.