
That was a really great scene for me, too.

I don't think it was a plot hole - watching the scene where Varys left, he clearly believed that Dany would be returning - he was going to find "friends and ships" for when she returned.

A lot more time is passing than it seems with the editing. Notice that the Martells ships were there in Meereen too - So Varys, Olenna and the Snakes all went back to Meereen and joined into one big navy.

Aren't the Targaryens known for keeping it all in the family? What is Jon technically, her nephew, right?

Clearly it was Jon, they faded directly from the baby's face into Jon's. That was the clue, if you needed one.

Dear God, what a fucking episode that was.

"He's only *mostly* dead"

Also by the fact he was a child.

If we're assuming that the Lord of Light is an actual god that exists, I'm of the mind that he didn't resurrect Jon just to let him die in the next battle, and that there was some divine intervention going on. Deus ex machina, literally.

…'til then, sleep well, and dream of large women.

She sent a letter to him by crow. Unless she got a response, she had no way of knowing if that crow was intercepted or not, and if not, without a response she has no way of knowing whether LF is coming or not.

Pretty sure Ramsay's first misses were on purpose - one of the shots, he even looks away and let loose without aiming. It was a "taunt" shot.

My husband and I both cheered. It was a very satisfying moment, right up there with Jon and Sansa being reunited.

This is the second time in this comment section that someone has written something I literally said to my husband as we were watching.

After everything she's been through, starting all the way back in Season 1, I'll forgive her a little satisfaction at finally getting a modicum of revenge.

I too, did not understand why he didn't put an arrow in Jon at that point.

I assumed Sansa didn't tell Jon because she didn't know for sure whether he was coming. We've never seen her get a response, so we had no idea (I mean, we knew, but we didn't have proof) that he was showing up. Unless she got some confirmation that we aren't privy to, I would guess that's why she didn't tell Jon.

Well, wasn't quite what happened, but I'm not disappointed with how it turned.

Jimmy's breakdown put a tear in my eye.