I never took "shool" to be school. I thought he was referring to her being late for shul.
I never took "shool" to be school. I thought he was referring to her being late for shul.
It's been said before: Yahoo streaming is terrible.
Sounds a lot like Trent L. Strauss' You're Soaking in Her.
No mention of the Taschen Complete Little Nemo scheduled to come out later this month?
Agreed. New credits are mega-lame. If I saw it elsewhere, I would swear it was some parody of sitcoms.
I'm a caveman. Your modern ways frighten and confuse me.
Slide whistle reference.
Kind of lame to recommend a limited-to-100-copies box set.
This episode treaded on a lot of Venture Brothers territory. Cobra Commander seemed remarkably similar to The Monarch.
Art of the Slap? I'd love to get these numb yuts in the nonagon…
Tom is truly a gu-ru.
I like that movie she made.
He's retired before and returned to film making…so maybe not his last movie.
Iffy on El=P's solo stuff? You should definitely listen to Fantastic Damage again, as well as I'll Sleep When You're Dead. High quality stuff.
One week left. Thought I'd help reach 50,000.
Both good!
Nah, I think the main reason they won't catch on as a pop act is that they sound nothing like what passes for pop. In fact, to even consider that this band might ever catch on in any kind of mainstream way, is ludicrous.
The Corpse Grinders 2
That's a Trent L. Strauss feature, isn't it? Or did he just direct The Corpse Grinders 1, 3, and 4?
He does look like Kevin Kline. What a joy to consider: a show starring Kevin Kline and Paul F. Tompkins…I don't know…raising half a person.