Captain Foulenough

I think my point is that you have to base your satire on principles, not principals. Admittedly it's slightly difficult for me to judge as a foreigner, but my issue with Bee is that she's actively chummy towards politicians who need, whatever the objectionable qualities of their opposition, to be held to account. This

I think that's almost certainly true. But I do wonder if Bee in particular will run out of steam if Clinton wins.

It's a sort of logic of the see-saw that dictates that, because the Republicans are dreadful, the Democrats must be virtually flaw-free.
I appreciate that most commentators on here lean left, but surely this level of partiality (for parties, not principles) makes Bee look like a poodle, rather than the hard-nosed

I didn't find it scary. I quite enjoyed it, but it is unintentionally funny.

It was truly dreadful. But maybe this campaign is in line with its creators' inflated opinion of how clever a film it was.

It reminds me of the old complaint about Homer: if he was working within an oral tradition of epics then it rather erodes our conception of him as an artist of genius.
Except that the poems of the Epic Cycle were never as well regarded as the Iliad and the Odyssey. If Homer and Shakespeare were working with the help

Can you cite examples of his "spineless and odious political views" as they were expressed during his mayoralty? How do you feel about Ken Livingstone's comments in the past couple of years.
I ask because it's habitual for people like you to ascribe foul motives to the "EVUL TORRIES" while constantly giving left-wing

It's difficult to counter accusations against politicians without seeming to support them. I think Johnson's primary issues are his dishonesty and his belief that he is in some way special. While this doesn't distinguish him from other politicians particularly, people do seem to bend the rules for him without quite

I'm 6 1/2 years old and I wish my generation had music like this!

Whereas Americans pronounce English words as if they were French, like herb and homage.

Were you born with a limited supply of sympathy? How awful.

That was bullshit though. Gooch running away with Hooch…

That makes me feel like he prefigures Schmidt from New Girl.

El is other people.

I think it's mostly done via Twitter.

Never mind that. How the hell had Stewart Lee never heard Ziggy Stardust?

And then nobody new enters the market because…?

Well, no - Matilda is British.

"the dystopian Margaret Atwood novel that warns of how misogyny and the patriarchy will destroy the world, a message all too relevant in today’s election climate."
The AV Club makes a claim to this effect every time this project is mentioned. Am I allowed to roll my eyes at this or does doing so make me one of those

I agree. It reminds me slightly of the trend to redo shows with the characters as children in the eighties - like Muppet Babies and A Pup Named Scooby Doo. It's potentially just a bit gimmicky.
In itself it's harmless enough, and the outcry about ruining people's childhoods is tedious, but it does need to be backed up