Captain Foulenough

Jorah's survived greyscale - presumably that storyline is in some way relevant to the main plot (e.g. greyscale is cowpox to being a wight's smallpox or something). That or it's just bad writing.

Eye-wateringly stupid even by the low standards of the Graun. Take a concept Nolan came up with 25 years ago and yoke it to an entirely unrelated hobby horse that only reared its head last year.

They should have entered every scene doing the snake dance that White Goodman and his team do in Dodgeball.

Why is there any food at all given that so many men have (presumably) been taken off the land to fight? Also, if winter is coming in the more prosaic sense, wouldn't we have had a few more famines and food riots by now?
It's funny that GoT, by encouraging some comparisons with the War of the Roses and the like, makes

Could be a good way of distracting people from hyperinflation.

We always have the Queen on our notes as well, so it's not like that doesn't provide a degree of conservatism.

I half-remember a news item about British expats in Germany eagerly joining the Handel Society, finding there was a lot of talk about trade and not much about music and eventually being told that they actually wanted the Händel Society

Play up the classical side - have Diana visit Hades and fail to embrace his shade. Or something.

There's at least one comment on every thread.

Slush, or don't even bother.

If this does well, maybe Wright can achieve the dream of every modern director: to get most of the way through directing a Star Wars film before being sidelined or replaced by Kathleen Kennedy.

The first one came out when I was 11, and I quite enjoyed it. Without wishing to disparage anyone else's reading preferences, I found each subsequent book a bit too young for me. I did read each one when they came out, but I don't remember much about them.
I don't think anything Rowling ever wrote grabbed me as much as

I posted this above, but I'm going to post it again here - Vince Noir would disagree:

But that disregards their famous (mimed) rendition of Jackie Wilson Said on Top of the Pops, either deliberately or accidently performed in front of a picture of darts player Jocky Wilson.

Who can forget "On the Buses", the spin-off from the hit ITV sitcom that was the second most popular movie at the British box office in 1971?

I want the Japanese to be taken to task for reaping all the benefits of Kit-Kats while not having to go through the misery of being British.

Another Day in A&E.

I hope there's a voiceover by Tim Gudgin.

On recent form for Cruise, there'll be a hotshot new female pilot.