Captain Foulenough

Nah. Light beer doesn't count.

Well David Boon can drink more…

Yeah, I agree. Early Lisa, in retrospect, was a great character. To my mind that shows the whole "the early Simpsons episodes seem better because of nostalgia" thing up for the nonsense it is.

I found the constant "dames are useless" stuff a little wearing as well. The problem is that the vast majority of TV writers have neither the time nor the skill to draw sophisticated or realistic characters. It's generally enough to signpost that a character is 'bad' by having them say something racist or sexist.

Or Secretariat would've been revealed to be both Angela Lansbury and Paul McCartney…

Baron von Wortzenberger, in my experience.

So you're saying SHIELD need to get rid of the C Ward?

Live In Boston's what got me into that era.

I love this song. Lyrics by W. H. Davies apparently.

"I've been so bored since we moved here, I found myself drinking a glass of wine every day. I know doctors say you should drink a glass and a half but I just can't drink that much."

Yeah, I quite enjoyed it. More subtle than the title suggests. Jerome Flynn's little brother was pretty good. Reminded me slightly of Vince Noir on occasion though.

I want to believe that he just gets the perfect line read first time. He arrives at the table read (or whatever) and knows exactly how to get it right.

Also Bonnie was played by Sophie Colquhoun out of Plebs.

Surely just keeping him in the basement of the SHIELD facility borders as cruel and unusual punishment? Granted, he may or may not be a Nazi, but still..

A "B" for Amy and Amiability? But Miranda Richardson hates squirrels! And Warren Clarke will take his belt off and by thunder his trousers will fall down!

I'd say the rape of Narreeman would be the hardest bit, actually. There's something weird about how you can get away with something like that in print when you never could on screen.

I think Colin Firth's character is the nastiest he's ever played. He's repulsive in a recognisable and realistic way. Admittedly I don't like football, but I actively rooted for the poor woman to escape him.

I like the Young Ones version. Don't prefer it though.

I read that Clark revealed his secret to Lois in the first draft, but it got kiboshed. Seems a shame really.

Erasmus, in his Adagia