
From what I remember, the Godleys were Irish, not British, although it is of little relevance to the novel, which takes place in a multiverse existence next door. In this other world, science has taken a major leap forward due to soem of the characters interventions, but the otherwise rural setting could as easily be

this had some limited arthouse cinema release in Ireland too
I know as I saw it at the Cork film festival, but maybe that was because of the Irish connection with John Crowley as director.

Out of my depth here
…so I'll tread carefully in what I say. Please excuse my naievety.

Ah, Spaced, the best comedy to span both millennia… :)

It's needless criticism here; the guy's labelled a dullard for not knowing trivia? If anytthing, the fatc that he *writes down* lists of songs to keep/delete would seem dull to me… ;)

Prestige double trick
I really enjoyed the Prestige, but not on anything like the level of it's reviewers or fans here.

Vasquez - Irish accents in Alexander
Vasquez, I'm afraid Alexander isn't a proper example - the director opted to go with Irish accents as he felt the race played weren't far off the Celts, and it would create a sense of tribal identity. Soz!