jell-o shot

yep. you can be a mediocre actor and I won't care, but the plagiarism and claiming to be an artiste or whatever is intensely wrongheaded and gross. I hate that attempting to punish him is just giving him the attention he wants, there's no real way of winning here.

I try not to hate anyone or anything but man oh man this guy.

we've been hearing there'll be another one since the day after crystal skull came out. I know I should be but I'm weirdly not worried at all.

there hasn't been an indiana jones film since kingdom of the crystal skull six years ago and that is pretty fucking great.

I've still only done episode one but I've got the whole first season on my computer and can't wait to dig deeper

oh aren't you a cool customer.

tremors is already a very good movie but holy shit tremors converted to black and white is a MASTERPIECE

holy shit I tried rereading this and advice to everyone: don't.

with todd leaving I guess there's no better time than now to try remembering my big grand unifying theory of everything I started piecing together - I want to say between 4 and 5? it still largely works with 5, though 6 completely breaks it. it's also PRETTY SILLY because I was 18 at the time, and also the science in

I always assumed funky ghost charlie was our explanation for dave, in that hurley is just operating on a completely different wavelength from everybody else. I think dave was a dead guy ghost man for sure.

"Real Humans? more like, Real-ly good!" todd if you're leaving can I have your job? as you can see I am good at it

I'll have to check it out again at some point maybe. I found season 5 to be aggressively awful as it was airing, but maybe I'll be able to find a little more kindness towards it knowing the trainwreck is finally over.


this CWAZY SUBVEWSION of expectations would have been a lot more interesting and effective if both breaking bad and community had been axed during their first rounds

I tend to consume most tv while I'm drawing so subtitles aren't always a go for me, but this sounds so specific to my sensibilities I'll absolutely be grabbing it. thanks!


hey I have that already actually! I grabbed it in an ebook bundle a while ago but wasn't sure if it would be any good. glad to hear it is!

that weird twitter guy talking about basic and starbucks and YOU REMEMBER

flying out to ontario for a last minute funeral tomorrow evening, ebook recommendations would be rad (preferably stuff that's pretty easy to steal because I'm human garbage and also have no money at all). I like science/biology and I like silly shit. Redshirts by John Scalzi is possibly my favourite book but wouldn't