jell-o shot

something something todd something lost reviews something lack of payoff

my favourite line is I'D MOVE HEAVEN AND HELL TO GET OUT OF SKID ROWWWW because to me it has this magical shift where this goes from a silly bleak song to a genuinely powerful silly bleak song that makes everything before it all that much stronger.

this might actually be enough to go on! I'm gonna ask Myles for sure, but if he has no idea this is probably solid enough for me to follow through with what I planned on doing. thanks!

I carry about ten pencils/pens in my two front pockets at all times because art I guess. it's handy but emptying all my pockets at the airport sucks

fingers crossed he sees this, if not I'll axe him in tinychat. thanks!

does anyone know anything about small town municipalities, specifically in canada, and especially specifically in nova scotia? I'm writing something and while politics aren't essential the narrative I'd at least like to portray them accurately. biggest question holding me back is, can people in the police force be

ice age, I guess. from a species standpoint. ray romano wants to fuck queen latifah oh my god why couldn't it have been live action

this is a very very good show

watching MONSTERS for the second time. I really liked it (though was a little underwhelmed) the first go round, but now I feel like I could marry this movie.


I'm not a fan of that end gag at all but HANG ON THAT WAS A GREEN BAND TRAILER WOW

My mom would read it to me at least a couple times a week for a few years, and I kind of thought nothing of it for the longest time (because children are IDIOTS). Rereading it as an adult I honestly have no idea how she made it all the way through it.

it's not a song, and it's actually about really good parents, but let's all just reflect on Love You Forever by Robert Munsch and CRY FOR DAYS OH GOD

I can't believe nobody mentioned Moses.

there's another universe where Edgar Wright's Ant-Man stayed Edgar Wright's Ant-man and fuck everything fuuuuuuuUUUUUCK

from the garden I would pick
that cleanly shaven nazi dick.
I worked it hard and wore it raw,
now I cannot move my jaw.

this has seriously plunged me so far into depression I may need to go back into therapy. here's hoping we get another edgar wright movie before 2020.


here's one of my favourite video game songs ever, inexplicably from THE FLINTSTONES THE MOVIE THE GAME (kind of)