"Farewell and adieu, you fair Spanish ladies….."
"Farewell and adieu, you fair Spanish ladies….."
It's spilled Moff syrup….
In addition to posting pictures online? I dunno, name it? Give it a backstory? Let's be creative here people, Airwolf only ran for four seasons…
"Say it ageeeeen!"
"Don't you mean Camp Tiger-dick? Those guys are prep school turkeys. Skin it…."
In the DVD commentary David Wain explains that it was a re-shoot, and that scene was picked up quite a while after things had wrapped at the camp. Hence Gary's longer hair and Gene's outrageously false beard.
Kitten Mittens?
Maytag…. you're it.
I just want to tell you both good luck, we're all counting on you.
*shouts Mrs. Ochmonek from just off-set*
I'm Squanchy, and so's my wife!
*A-Team foils Colonel Decker yet again…*
"…I do it myself."
I'll show ya Cougar….
"Stay off drugs! Minotaur!"
"I've seen her dehydrate, sir. It's pretty gross."
Roger The Master Broom-Balancer!