I hope the doughnuts on my lawn are cinnamon!
I hope the doughnuts on my lawn are cinnamon!
*slew of thinly veiled misogyny to follow*
Liked for smoke exhalation visual reference
"But, you don't have dandruff!"
Don't forget your goat leggings!
Paired with a nice Chardonnay?
buttstuff Oreo
The AV Club: "You could…maybe fill [me] with [a]…spritz…of…creamy goodness."
I got every dog in my neighborhood breakin' down my door — I got Spuds McKenzie, Alex from Stroh's…. They won't leave my dog alone with that Media!
Ricky Bobby is not a thinker…. Ricky Bobby is a DRIVER…
Something something BE any more something…..
I smashed the guitar against the body of a varsity cheerleader…
"Have a great winter, I'm gonna go hump the fridge."
I ask you little sugar would I li-i-i-i-i-ie to you….
He humiliated my human dignity!
Written by Nicky Chinn/Mike Chapman…. the duo who wrote so many Sweet and Suzi Quattro singles for our listening pleasure.
Is this really love… or just a game?
And the answer is none….. none more black.
OOOH, you are so big…. so ABSOLUTELY HUGE…. gosh, we're all really impressed down here, I can tell you!