
I'm a hater
R* lied.
Pixels died.

waiting for rescue
I don't know what's worse.

one more thing
Arya is from A Game of Thrones.

it is 'edition'

Me and the kids kinda liked it
in that bored thursday night kinda way. The movie just always turned the wrong way and never pulled any triggers. And the ending was horrible. Worst happy ending ever.

Well played, Gus.
I didn't see a review of this coming. The sense of dread is all over me in this game. Good game but I can't take much dread.

adfg afdg wrtatg hsdgfh asfg gds.

That is the one. Thanks!
The best I ever did was to glitch the guy and the windshield together. The program kept trying to process the physics of a body with a windshield bisecting it. The body just slid down the windshield slowly and quite painfully. Horribly fun to watch.

long time ago with a stick figure and a truck
This game is a complete rip off of that game I can't remember the name of. You had a stick figure and a vehicle and you set the angle and the speed and the gravity and such . . .

Oh, I see. Don't harvest them because it is wrong. Harvest them because it benefits you 'economically' later on?

~1/4, 1/2, the whole thing. Whichever way it is a lot of ass.

On Cronk and Zypher
Aren't they more like the old guys form the Muppets? Or am I showing my age . . .

late to the joke
So uh, what platform was this reviewed on?