nathan rayban

Certainly, none of them are admirable. But that shouldn't prevent a character from being likeable, or charming.

The girl is not very likeable and the two guys don't do a very good job of convincing us that their crush is real . So I can't relate to or believe in this frustrated romantic connection at the centre of the show.

Yarr! Gimme a Goblet o' Gibbler!

I'd be happy with any last lines from The Simpsons.

Teti gets person-to-person: "Your insights in the discussion threads have enriched the show, providing me with so many ideas and interpretations to consider, and I’m
grateful for it." First time, I heard an AVClub critic express anything other than contempt for the commenters.

I was really hoping she'd "call a guy."

Semantics are.

Time is a cookie.

Have you got your shit pushed IIIIIIIINNNNNNNN?!?!?!?!


Agreed. Norton is good when he's in a group discussion with Louis on O&A. He's great at off the cuff banter, but his standup doesn't work for me. It's too rigid and predictable. My eyes just glaze over every time he talks about how he's such a degenerate.

Opie and Anthony! Some of Louis' best stuff is on those radio shows.

Bill Cosby.

I always hated this song because it's such a blatant rip-off of Edward Shape and the Magnetic Zeroes' Home. Home, with its homage to Ennio Morricone, is undeniable.

Rich white kids hating RATM (because they associate it with other rich white kids) is really annoying. There are millions of people out there that sympathize with RATM's message for much more sincere reasons than you did when you were some dumb kid.

Tyrion's final scene reminded me of Jim Morrison in The End.

AVClub is just a repository of unpublished undergrad essays.