nathan rayban

It's interesting that Sonia prefaces Theon's torture with him being an arrogant brat. How about prefacing Cersei's rape with her being a horrible conniving monster?

No no. Thank yous!

Hudak? More like Who dat!?

Thunder Bay just gave you the ol' stink-eye.

They wear cowboy hats while they're riding segways?

Waitress: How come we didn't have sex?
Louie: Because you didn't want to.
Waitress: Yes I did. I was really into it.
Louie: Well then why did you keep stopping me?
Waitress: Because I just wanted you to just go for it.
Louie: What does that mean?
Waitress: I'm kind of weird. I get turned on

Tod is great.

Maybe some of these films aren't just ABOUT the mentally handicapped, they're FOR the mentally handicapped.
I used to work with mentally handicapped people and we would watch I am Sam together. It was a huge hit! Just consider the way the movie is edited and directed and written. It's very child-like. Moreover, my

That picture of the knees with the stones embedded in the skin is fucking gross. Please take it down.

Jason Bateman = 95% chance of a shit movie.

I love that scene because it shows how certain people will enter your life and leave aspects of themselves behind. Posy's character changed him and made him more courageous romantically.

I'm not relating to Erik's understanding of this show. O well. I love Louie!

A+, A+. Both were instant classics. His depiction of happiness in these shows is timeless.

I would give my left nut to see Louie, Don Draper and the Hound get wasted together. Trading stories about these crazy girls they have to raise.

There shoud be a spin off show that combines the universes of Mad Men and Louie. It would star Ursula Parker (Jane) and Kiernan Shipka. They would be friends growing up in New York City.

I agree that Bully is a great great episode. it's up there with 'God' and Duckling and Eddie. But the beauty of Louie is that it doesn't try to wow you with every show. It eases you into his world really slowly and then every so often it drops on your head like a cartoon piano.

Maybe Peggy is bitter because she couldn't have the kid AND the career. She wants both possible lives.

Todd really knocked it out of the park at the end.

Can we agree it exists and talk about fucking dragons now?

I came here accidentally. But now that I'm here it's hard to leave. Someone gave CArice van Houten a boner rating of ten hot inches. I can't tell you how happy it made me to read that.