nathan rayban


I really need to read the books, just so I can join this discussion. The commentariat in the novice section is the fucking pits. All they talk about is feminism and how the showrunners hate women. The word 'agency' is tossed around a lot. It's totally fucking depressing.

Why did he bite him? Wouldn't stabbing him in the back be a little more effective?

Can't wait for another fascinating discussion on female agency and the mysoginistic portrayal of women in modern day television.

With regard to first guy: I don't think autism is the issue here. Someone should tell him not to feel so guilty for being a man. He seems overcome with shame and self-doubt. But he's obviously a very intelligent and sensitive individual. Unfortunately, those are the ones in our culture who absorb all these constant

I'm really liking this conversation. It's about time it happened on this website.

That was magnificent. You articulated my own feelings for this website. Thanks.

My only issue with the episode is that it points the finger at men as the source of the problem. But, in my experience, women are just as hard on other women for being overweight. A man who dates a fat girl doesn't just risk his reputation with other men, he risks it with other women. I know women that would lose

Why doesn't the fat lady just go for black guys?

No he didn't. He was just speaking for black men.

Not as gay as a man giving you his nipple.

"She's not a fucking idiot with a death wish."

You started this, Mr Glass. Now it's up to you to end it.

Maybe you guys should just wait until after the next few episodes. I don't understand why people feel the need to argue over shit that can't be proven. So much of what you guys are saying is pure conjecture.

I demand a trial by combat!

Not the movie. The self-help book.


Conspiracy theorists and people that preach about 'The Game'.

**Holds up a cracker.**

I like AIC, but mostly as a vehicle for Staley. There's something intrinsically boring about Cantrell.