Scott Gordon

Panicking and Shoulder: You know, I re-listened some to Set 'Em Wild before doing this review, and I discovered that I really, really like it. I think it's gonna hold up as one of their best. Shoulder, I realize I'm kind of on thin ice with the "too lost" argument, since getting a bit lost is part of the deal with

Barefoot Jim: Lots of commenters fervently disagree with me about The Who Sell Out. Consider it avenged, sort of. I actually think the concept of it is awesome and the songs are really well-written and -executed, but a lot of it just comes off like another band to me. (Which may well be the point, as you hinted.)

Papa O'Riley: I like the point you make about Who's Next. It's weird, because I likely would never have heard "Relay," "Naked Eye," "Let's See Action," "Pure And Easy," etc. if not for compilations, reissues, BBC Sessions, etc. The outtakes are really worth digging into.

I've read about them doing those Rolling Stones covers but for some reason have never checked them out. Thanks for the reminder!

Yeah, agreed on that last point especially. I like the "Barbara Ann" scene in The Kids Are Alright, too. I actually had that A Quick One reissue on in the car last week while driving around with my little brother (he's 7 years old). His review of the "Batman" cover: "Whoever's writing this song watches WAY too much

Oh, wow. You folks are braver than I. I can't even make up my mind about which is my favorite of the IRS years—it's a dead heat between Fables and Lifes Rich Pageant.

You're all definitely right that it's worth discussing!

Zubaz: Exactly! Getting sweaty and sleep-deprived and trapped in the middle of gigantic crowds is part of the fun.

I heard their album a while back and then managed to lose the CD or tracks or whatever it was I had. Definitely intriguing—I might have to pull up that set on NPR if it's still there. I'm really kind of a sucker for bluegrass in general, even though I don't KNOW all that much about it.

One of my friends suggested I write about the various smells encountered at the festival, but after four days of not showering, I was kind of in a glass house.

I didn't make it to any of the panel-type things, honestly. I was curious about a couple but decided to just jam in as many bands and comedians as I could (wisely or not? hard to say).

It's a tough call, but "Apartment Story" might just be my favorite National song.

That sounds like a nice time, Ben Folds Fan. I missed a chance last year to see him in Madison (when I still lived there), and I'm still kicking myself for it. I think maybe part of the low turnout is that his Bonnaroo set was relatively early in the day, and not in one of the covered tent venues.

damagej: Did I spent this entire 4,200+ word article complaining about walking around or heat or smells, or things other than the performances and songs? Did I shower each performer with contempt? Did I leave out lots of things I enjoyed? No, so I don't really see what your beef is in the first place, and I'm done

See first paragraph after the slideshow, GWG. They were good!

Sounds like a plan, sir.

Chamberk: One of my favorite things about The National is that they actually bother to change the songs up live from time to time. I really, really respect when a band is willing to do that. Hope you're recovering!

I do love The National, and as a live band they play very well and are super-nice to the audience. The High Violet songs just haven't hit me as hard yet, but maybe that'll change with time.

Exactly. Thank you.

I don't quite agree, but if you like Clutch and can quote Eddie Izzard, you must be A-OK.