
Perhaps. i mean some of the Always Sunny guys are involved. If you're not a fan of Always Sunny, then you may not get this. the trick is, it's a CBS show which is pretty down the middle and Some of the creators are from Always Sunny, where you can do anything you want. I think this cast is great and there's a lot o

too bad. i thought he was really funny. a great cast.

huh? did you not like something about mary? he's a lot like his brother in this. very funny!

why not? you should watch it. it was hilarious. Murray was great! So was Foley!

check it out. it was hilarious. so much promise here. Foley is amazing. so is Darby and the lead and Dillon had great chemistry. Reminded me of his brother in Something about Mary. Really funny.

a lot of hit shows use laugh tracks. it's more of a production thing for the actors. How I met your mother is a laugh track. nobody seems to mind.

i agree. there is so much there to work with. a lot of great promise. hopefully America will check it out. There is so much fun to be had with this cast!

This is a great cast with so much promise, I hope it builds momentum. There is so much promise here.

This is a great show. Amazing cast. I hope CBS sticks with it. Rhys Darby and Foley are hilarious. I also loved Kevin Dillon trying his comedic chops out… I saw flashes of his brother in Something About Mary… Hornsby is great. I am a huge fan of his from Sunny.