
Dirt sandwich! Classy Stone, real classy.

Regarding changes in tone…
aren't we supposed to laugh at the Porter in MacBeth?

Liars, all of you are goddamn liars. Everyone uses Facebook!

I'm Bret Michaels and I got one thing to say…LAWSUIT BITCHES! Fuck all y'all hatas, I'm still gonna be gettin' paid and gettin' laid!

Lucky me…
I bought a 40/mo. 2 year subscription this past Oct. for $179.82, so I'm locked in at $0.19 per download 'till Oct. 2010. Suck on that bitchez! 'Bout to get me some WuTang Clan fo' sho!

Hairy Squatter and the Sorcerer's Bone

How I pity…
the terminally ill. I must be very careful not to die before January '10.

"Tea ups! Do y'all get tea ups!"

Southern Accents - Tea Ups
Long story short, born in Memphis, live outside Nashville, once worked at Opryland Hotel as a runner, job included bringing coolers of sweet tea out to waitress stand by the pool. One day, waitress asks me, "Do y'all get tea ups?" Me: "What?" repeat several times. Finally I realize what

On second reading, you never said he did OD, just that he was part of the 27 club. My bad.

Kurt Cobain…
didn't OD. He blew is head off with a shotgun. Just wanted to point that out.