
I see that. I guess somebody might say that being involved in something as big as these comic blockbusters gets in the way of taking the time to make something entirely new, that making another adaptation is the only way to get a break from it. Inception is a pretty good counterexample to that, though.

I'm not fond of the word "overrated" either, for the same reason. Saying something is overrated requires that whoever you're saying it to understands your frame of reference.

The Prestige was an adaptation of a novel.

Yeah, you were born in East LA, let's see your green card.

Who the heck wasn't in the Defenders at some point? I mean yeah, the core was Strange, Surfer, Hulk and Namor, but part of the charm of the old school Defenders was that the Defenders is whoever showed up.

Why would you want to see the Falcons' QB on Arrow? The League, maybe, although I think they're still recovering from having Cutler on.

The only thing that would make Deflategate better would be a discovery that the NFL's prime suspect is a Patriots locker room attendant named Benoit.

Of course it's not, didn't you watch Heroes?

I think the jury's still out on whether Nolan's Dark Knight movies will have a stronger hold on the public's imagination than Reeve's Superman. At the very least, Christopher Reeve's portrayal of Superman was so iconic that when casting Superman Returns, they got a guy who looked about as much like him as could be

Eh, not so bold if you'd seen Superman III. Damn.

Yeah, that's true. It echoes, though, what Chris Rock once said on SNL about fighters: (paraphrasing) the lower you go on the social ladder, the better fighters are. Blacks are better than whites, Puerto Ricans are better than blacks, and for every good Puerto Rican fighter, there's an American Indian ready to kick

Despite the pic on the main page, really expected to see the A-Team at #1. That premiere was a big deal, must-see event (if you were an 11 year old boy at the time.)

The fucking leads are weak? You're weak.

Full disclosure: I haven't read this book, seen this movie, and I only read the first half or so of the article above, skimming the rest, so my impression may be faulty. However, I got the sense that the author's point is that the ideas in Divergent are pretty feeble, and the ease with which they are understood

Strangely enough, Halloween 2009 I went to a party dressed as Galifianakis from the Hangover, complete with doll in faux BabyBjorn. I even had that same tree shirt he wore in the movie. I was teaching at a university back then, so naturally I ran into some students at the party, and the following week when I asked the

I loved I'm Still Here. When I saw it, I thought "almost nobody's going to see this," but that winter (2010-11) I was in the Michigan UP and had grown a pretty serious beard, and a woman stopped me as I was leaving a grocery store and said "You look just like that actor…" At first I thought she meant Zach Galifianakis

Did Colin Quinn get funny at some point? I thought his job was "guy who is friends with a lot of funny people." He was the first Rob Schneider.

I don't think I've ever actually used the phrase "casual racism" myself, and the more I've thought about it (in response to your comments) the less useful it seems to be.

True, Whovian suggested the contrast, but for me the term "overt" was confusing the conversation. As for "casual racism" I think your description here hits the nail on the head, as far as how I see it used. A "casual" racist is no less overt, it's expressed clearly in plain language, but his or her racism arises

I don't think "casual" is an alternative to "overt."