
Secret Chiefs 3?

Neil Peart stands alone.

I believe the closest show to me is at the awkwardly-named "Jiffy Lube Live" in Bristow. They really should've thought that one through.

I'm more intrigued by this than by either the Marvel or DC shared universe. I only wish it was The Astounding She-Monster instead of She-Creature. We got a sorta-but-not remake of that about 15 years ago.

Or fans of good fiction!

Frank Ocean's next album

I'd go with Evil from Time Bandits.

I clicked on this thinking it would be about the former Hot 97 DJ Star of "Star & Buc Wild" fame. Of course, he's usually aligned with the forces of evil, so they'd have to have some kind of falling out.

and Rich Fulcher to play Porter Wagoner. Then, if they could get Matt Berry to play Kenny Rogers…

Yeah, I expect they'll both be good games (that I won't be able to watch, because my wife made plans with people for much of the day,) but I think that's what's likely to happen. Frankly, I don't see how the Seattle/GB matchup is going to go much different than Week 1, and after beating the Ravens last weekend, the

I'm glad I'm not the only one to have made that mistake. Adapting Illuminatus! (co-written with Rob Shea) would be absolutely amazing/stupid. It's been about 25 years since I read it, but as I recall it reads like something written by a couple of guys who met while writing for Playboy in the late 60s. Maybe it can be

As a yoga instructor, I'm going to try to take "not particularly likable, but not particularly despicable either" as a complement.

For contrast, check out Katherine Heigl trying to do the same accent in the made-for-TV prequel. It's not bad, and one of the most watchable things Heigl's done in my opinion, but nowhere near the sublimity of Sorvino's.

I saw this movie in a theater and really enjoyed it, definitely an unsung gem of the late 90s. I like to pretend that Sorvino won her Oscar for this instead of Mighty Aphrodite.

I think Superstore is intended for people who wish Chuck had spent more time in the store instead of doing spy stuff. Or for people who wish The 40 Year Old Virgin was a TV show and spent more time in the store than out trying to get laid. Or for people who wish Employee of the Month was a TV show.

Oddly enough, I was just thinking about this the other day. I remember when The Artist won Oscars, and despite thinking it was at best a decent cinematic exercise with some minor charms, I loved the fact that Jean Dujardin was getting so much attention. The OSS 117 movies are tons of fun, and I hope a few people

I'm fond of the saying "America is where 100 years is a long time; Europe is where 100 miles is a long distance."

Well, now I don't know what to believe.

In that case, I bet you're not a man either. In which case, how you doin?

Adding water usually makes tastes weaker, in my experience.