
I've started to wonder what Allison even sees in Noah, but then again, she's as self-absorbed and head-up-her-ass as he is, plus somewhat unstable. I wonder if that might eventually become a problem for the show, where they have to decide to have Allison dump him because even she can no longer ignore what an asshole

I'm not totally sold on Carrie-Quinn, but that final shot was my favorite thing in what was already an excellent episode.

Agreed, but that doesn't help me figure out why she wants Carrie dead (or why the Russians do).

Cole as the actual killer was the implication I picked up too, but I'm half convinced it's just a red herring. It would be almost too neat, for one thing. But it would be an interesting twist, not least because over time, Cole has become a much more sympathetic character than Noah.

Yes and yes to all of the above. She seemed like such a funny and sharp and delightful person, too.

$400K will barely get you a studio in Manhattan, and then only in certain parts of town.

But Javadi didn't kidnap and terrorize Saul, which may be a key difference. I buy Saul being a pragmatist and his being aware of the potential value of a deal with Haqqani; I might even buy Saul wanting to be back at the top of the CIA badly enough to put personal feelings aside—except that Haqqani (and Farhad Gazi,

I bought her fucking Oscar because of her insatiable need to punish herself, and also because she knows how dangerous he is and maybe misguidedly thought giving him what he's wanted all along might neutralize him a bit.

I hated Max, who was basically a walking cliche, and I loved seeing him in the baseball costume because it showed how shrimpy he is. But I *loathed* Katie, who spent the entire season belittling Max and telling us over and over how brilliant she is. "Chartreuse—that's bright red, right?" Yes, Katie. You are a genius.