
I'm older than dirt, so I've seen most of my faves, and quite a few of the bands listed in the article and the comments. But I'm not quite old enough to have seen Curtis Mayfield, or Fairport Convention with the Sandy Denny/Richard Thompson lineup.

Curtis is at the top of my list too. I've still never seen the Damned, maybe because I spent my then-scarce $$ on Britpunk bands I liked better, not that I didn't love the Damned too.

They were great live every time I saw them, but they were the second loudest band I've ever seen. (Loudest was Dinosaur Jr.) Like don't stand near the stage for very long loud.

Sometimes being old and from a big city has its advantages. I saw them a bunch of times, including twice in Guildford, near their hometown of Woking. They were always amazing live, but seeing them in the UK added a whole different dimension to the shows, as I'm sure you can imagine.

Buffalo Springfield is a superb choice, and you are a person of wisdom and taste.

Pssst…I secretly love that movie. Maybe it's the NYC in me. But objectively, I know it collapses in the last 20 minutes.

Oh no! I loved her. Even in the truly terrible "Mortal Thoughts," she was captivating. RIP.

Ha, my co-workers do the "people still watch that" thing with The Walking Dead, come to think of it.

Obviously true, but I do think the show was hinting at a younger Quinn with more refined interests, before he became a broken killing machine.

I don't follow many shows on A.V. Club, so I'm genuinely curious: does Homeland attract a larger percentage than most shows of people who feel compelled to come here and say "I haven't watched since season 2" or "People still watch this show?"

I don't think that's an overreach at all—I thought it was a deliberate callout of the tragic and warped relationship between Dar and Quinn.

Yeah, we found out not too long after Quinn was introduced that Peter Quinn wasn't his real name.

We'll find out next season. I think. Except Homeland doesn't ever start a season right where the previous one left off, so we may never know.

I'm guessing that we'll see more of the impact of Quinn's death on Carrie next season, but yeah, perfunctory is the right word. I thought the episode overall was pretty great, but I hate that we suffered with and rooted for Quinn all season just to have him killed off pointlessly.

I hope you're right. That would be the best possible outcome.

I wasn't convinced by Saul's meeting with Mira either. It may just be that she's been out of the storyline for too long, but it didn't get to me the way just about every other scene this episode did. That's my only quibble, though. The episode was excellent otherwise.

I think he acts more in the interests of his own ass, TBH. To the extent that the CIA offers him the best deal and most power right now, he acts in its interests too, but I could see that changing in an instant if circumstances also changed.

I admit I was hoping (at least somewhat) that the bullets had hit Quinn in the pond and finished him off, not only because it would put an end to his role as human pincushion but because it might sort of lend purpose to Astrid's murder—a double killing at the undisclosed location could plausibly serve as a pivotal

I wouldn't be completely surprised if the mystery neighbor turns out not to be Dar's man at all. Somewhat annoyed, but not surprised.

Absolutely. We know that the different threads are going to tie together and Carrie is going to brought more to the center of the Iran stuff and Dar's machinations. I'm eager to see how that all comes together.