Unreasonable Demands

There are liquor stores (spirits and wine), beer distributors (cases), and six-pack shops (sandwich shops, bars, some convenience stores).  The liquor stores and beer distributors have really weird hours and always close early.  It may be the last state where you have to plan ahead and stock up for the weekend, or if

No Colonel Flagg episodes?  Love those.

No Colonel Flagg episodes?  Love those.

heh.  Pre-CBS Les Paulzzz.

Music isn't really evolving anymore.  Nothing new since '82.

Stop it, already.

Dig out "Who's Who in the Universe" by E/Space.  Early 80s rap with a Romana/K9 era theme.  Awesomely bad / terribly awesome.

I like k. Vonnegut, too.

your list is identical to mine, as well.  until the live half of Umma, cause after that I don't really bother.

Get your FUCKIN' Shine On box!  *slams down shot glass*

Harry Chapin, you mean.