
Bringing in Brian was a great move for the show IMO. Maybe he didn't get enough funny storylines of his own, but the switch from worshipful Darlene, to Brian and the way it brought out Hank's cluelessness and homophobia was another brilliant shift by the writers.

Must there be a best? Believe me, I am inclined to agree with you, but that decade is so crammed to the gills with great filmmakers making great films…

You forgot mariachi band, and doorbell.  Was there an ice cream truck going by at any time in that movie? That would've been great too.

I gotta listen to those soon. I've become a fan of good audiobook narration over the last few years. Gould + classic Chandler sounds like a must-hear.

Also, I'd add The President's Analyst to that list.  Great stuff, so of it's time and yet so far ahead of it.

As a guy whose avatar is Elliot Gould from the movie Busting sitting on a toilet reading an Ant-Man comic book, I feel contractually obligated to respond.

This is America, man! You're somehow assuming that the average listener is able to use some kind of critical ability to discern the kind of talent that creates interesting music instead of mediocre poop. First mistake.

Mikal Cronin Mcii at the very top, with a space below it.  Finally, someone who thinks like me.  It's way above the rest of everything else I've heard this year, by far.

I remember what happens to Zero Mostel's character, and that definitely wasn't comedy. He also had a great performance in that film.

You may still get your chance for a Woody-Louie comedy - they're thinking about working together again if Allen can think up a good role for him. There was a Newswire about it last week.

She's obviously only doing this because Don Draper wouldn't give her any more money for smack.

And when The Way, Way Back was just called The Way Back. Why add an extra "way"?

Love and Death
Broadway Danny Rose
Hannah and Her Sisters
Radio Days

Explanation: Drugs.

It wasn't any prejudice against the later ones. I've only read those first three, so I could only speak to those and Strangers.  I have heard so-so things about those last two Ripley  books, but still want to get around to them eventually. So, obviously they are worth it if you already like the others, then?

Highsmith is full of brilliant word choices. She is such a… careful writer in how she chooses to present the psychology of the character, the way she gets you into his thought process.    Have you read the other Ripley books at all? Highly recommend the first three.  And, Strangers on a Train.

I just wrote my own long post about the handheld thing, too. If only I'd seen yours before. Whoops!  But yeah, I went into this movie with zero expectations and was pleasantly surprised by how many good lines there were.

I watched this recently and quite enjoyed it, but there was one aspect I didn't like about it, that gets ignored in this review.  Despite this appearing to be a thoroughly-scripted affair, Woody choose to film it in a kind of loose, pseudo-doc style with lots of shaky handheld camera. Lots of the scenes between Allen

Yes! I just rewatched this movie a little while ago and the elevator scene is definitely a highlight.  That, and the scene where they're trying to fool the dead woman's husband with the tape recording.

I had also heard of it being a discarded plot from Annie Hall and wondered if this article would mention it. Think I've even heard that from multiple different things I read. I'll back @avclub-cfe912f5cb3aa572bd1c9ae2a9b82207:disqus on that one. But I also do not have a source.