
It should be very clear at this point that the title is meant to be comically ironic.

My crazy prediction for future episodes: Melissa is a robot.

Yeah, the speech outside her door that he made out of desperation, saying he didn't know how to talk to people after all that time alone, that one was genuine. The finally speech to Melissa was Phil trying to imitate "heartfelt speech from a romantic comedy" and hoping it would work on her.

My guess is that Todd's sob stories, the scar, etc. are all lies, but that this will only be discovered by Forte's character, and only after he has made both women even more mad at him.

I remembered being surprised when I first realized that three of my favorite movies that seemingly shared nothing in common, Planet of the Apes, Patton and Papillon, were all directed by the same guy. Franklin J. Schaffner, underrated director from a time when you could just make good movies in any genre and not have

Yeah, I always liked McQueen as a personality but it took seeing this movie to realize what a hell of an actor he was. His entire performance is great, but it's the long solitary confinement sequence that made it click. The standout section of the movie for me.


Wow, I don't know that I've heard many people say that it's one of his best performances, but I don't disagree. It's an incredibly sneaky performance, in that it looks like he's doing nothing. The full power his arc didn't become apparent to me until after I'd seen the movie a few times. He's just out of prison, in a

Seconding everyone's recommendations, and I will add that "The Order of Everything" is my favorite Best Show Gem I play for people to get them into the show, at the least Tom/real callers portion of it.

That was his second half-hour Comedy Central Presents special. I never forgot that either. There was a cow (I'm pretty sure it was a cow…) named "Nixony the Cow"

"All men, Mr. Mattei."

I think there's a clue right there in the title: if he's the Wolf, who
are the sheep? As you say, there are all those shots of his loyal
soldiers. And I don't think it's a coincidence the final shot of the film is of the
crowd at that motivational seminar, staring back at us in the audience.

It's amazing how many people seem to be ignoring that final blowup scene in Wall Street where he kidnaps his own child. And the scene where they take off in the boat instead of going to the aunt's funeral and almost die (sober!) I kinda thought the point was that Belfort was indeed a monster, and one so ridiculously

My favorite thing I can remember about this movie is the sequence where they are cutting through the doors of the vault, set to Tangerine Dream. It really puts you into a hypnotic trance. Felt like it went on forever, and yet I could watch it for a lot longer. Reminiscent of the French heist flicks, where we just

I'd say it's the plot of The Driver joined with the style of Thief and To Live and Die in L.A.

The Only Band That Never Mattered?

"You maniacs! You blew it up! Damn you all…"
Wait, that's not right.
"It's was all just a game. A bloody game!-"
No, that's not either…
What the hell is the last line of this movie again? I give up.

Also, The Good the Bad and the Ugly!

It's as terrible as Attila!

Yeah, definitely one his best performances ever. I think it's interesting he didn't have to play the straight-laced reserved one for once, the John Mills part is the kind he would usually have it seems. Not enough people have seen that one. (Is it all the kilts?) AVC should give that one a movie of the day feature.