
It is some sort of epitome of their music. Like @avclub-f6f154417c4665861583f9b9c4afafa2:disqus said, definitive in that it would be a good introduction to SD for anyone who'd never heard them. I love a lot of the lyrics to their songs, but I would say this is also their best-written song. And maybe one of their most

Brooklyn (Owes The Hipster Under Me)

I need to simplify my masturbation ritual.

I would add Boggy Creek II and Werewolf to that list as well.

re: Home at Last - you can't beat a song that employs the Purdie shuffle.

Black Cow
Deacon Blues
Home at Last
I Got the News

Turn up the Eagles, the neighbors are listening…

Yep, that's the one. I thought that part was really cool, because they play back some of the rejected solos, and you really start to see things Becker and Fagen's way, like, "Yeah, that one's not quite right." Anyone can be a perfectionist, but I think most of the time they had a reason.

The Mike White - Enlightened Connection

Exactly. Larry is narcissistic, but he's intelligent enough and with occasional self-awareness.

"And how about Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean? If it’s either still owned by Paramount or by the Robert Altman estate, it seems like a big possibility for Criterion."

Yeah, but Justified is too cool for this "Critics Awards" shit, anyways.

Do you have Amazon Prime? The entire series is streaming on there now.

Favorite moment in Montana:
After attempting to play hard-to-get, Hank walks into Larry's office, nearly breaks down:
"I need to know that no matter what happens, you will never abandon me like that like that again."
[Larry doesn't say anything.]
Hank: "Okay, that's good enough for me. I'm back."

I was thinking the same thing early in the episode when he refers in Larry's cabin to "the complete tapes of the Larry Sanders Show". Not a funny line in itself, but his delivery cracked me up.

Tom Scharpling to Jelloman: "You're like Apple now. The innovations don't stop."

It's weird, I have been looking forward to AVC tackling this show for so long, and now that they are, I find myself with not much to say.  Or rather, I'm tongue-tied, completely overwhelmed. I love everything about this show so much, and so much of it feels so personal to me, that I have a hard time picking it apart

I never noticed that before but you're totally right about Bill's moments. Any other show would have him get really drunk on the real beer and then, of course, wander out into the party and do something C-RAAY-ZY. Instead, he stays the other room drinking and watching Dallas. Perfect.

I would suggest the audiobook version to anyone who hasn't read IV, or liked it and wants to re-read it. Ron McLarty does a great job with the voices and it added a lot to the tone and experience of reading. That's the only way I've "read" it, and I think I got a lot more mileage out of it that way than reading the