
Yeah, I'm one of those people who's bought a handful of Warner Archive  DVD-Rs but has had to limit myself. As someone who watches more old movies than new I like the idea of a dedicated classics/obscurities streaming service.

I've now begun to look forward to Norm's podcast every week so much I anticipate it like a TV show, like "appointment podcasting". That's a first for me.

the guiness book joke was hilarious, but I was laughing even harder at the Russian serial killer joke Larry couldn't quite pull off w/o laughing.

Is that the one where Molly Shannon tells the story about hopping on an airplane with a friend as kids? That story is incredible, one of the craziest stories I've heard anywhere I think, and definitely would be in my list of top WTF moments.

Harry Potter: Capitalist Lion-Tamer

Play equipment will include Brass Monkeybars.

If only this movie had Lou Gossett Jr. in it. If only…

What if The Prisoner had starred The Monkees?

Yeah, there's definitely kind of a smart/stupid balance to alot of the jokes in that movie that still makes it work: "If peeing your pants is cool, than I'm Miles Davis", "My wife is sleeping around" on the jeopardy board, "I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul…" etc.  

Thought I remembered reading somewhere that Bridges was a last-minute replacement for someone else who backed out of the role. Don't quote me though.

@avclub-201c363af83c1aa5fd0333aff0d48580:disqus "It's a Jedi party / who could ask for more / it's a Jedi party leave your blasters at the door…" or something like that.

…if they should, bar wars…

There's a theory that Superman took off in the '30s because people in
Depression-era America felt more powerless than ever, and watching Supes
even the scales of justice in the imaginary world was just what the
world needed during economic crisis and the rise of fascism.

@TaumpyTearrs:disqus  I agree. Another example of how Hollywood executives think: Batman = dark = made money, therefore…
even though "grim" and Superman don't go together.

It's probably 'cause all of these summer movies make big overseas moolah, and studios want their money NOW. If it flops in the US, they can always say, "look it ALREADY made umpty-X bajillion internationally…"

Where do you see the Star Trek sequel coming in the pack?

Indeed. Nathan is the Anti-Bro.

Why can't Comedy Central just go back to showing 90s SNL and Kids in the
Hall reruns instead? It would be better than 95% of what they've
produced in the last 20 years.

I definitely didn't find it as depressing as most of the internet commentary out there seems to think it. Alot of them seem to classify it as a real-life "Death of a Salesman", which, after watching, I don't think is entirely apt. I found it fascinating as a time capsule of a bygone era more than anything else. A

I'm sure this is the Ben Garant and Thomas Lennon who enjoy having fuck-tons of money, which is both versions of them.