Wayne Jones

The jet sequence is awesome.  I also liked the sequence where Lex's boat is sinking.  It's far from a bad movie, and I would've been fine with Routh continuing.  But, man, Henry Caville sells the shit out of his being Superman.

Yeah, he did pretty well fly Zod through a good couple of buildings that he could've avoided.  But the fight in the middle of town was dictated, at least in part, by the fact that the Kryptonians were there in the middle of the street fighting the U.S. military.  And, again, if he had gone to some remote corn field

Wow, I don't think I've ever seen the AV Club get something so wrong, for so many reasons. The hatred directed at "Man of Steel" is misguided, and stems from a poor effort at considering the film logically.

This is the continuation of the same evolution that started with Ultra: better singing from Gahan, more emotion, and a warmer, more analog-rich sound than what they had going for most of the nineties.

Don't know which girls you met, but in the mid-late eighties I dated TONS of hot chicks who dug some DM.

Point of fact, DM predates the MIDI era by a few years.  Their early work was made using analog sequencers, synths, and drum machines, which only communicated intermittently with one another.  Just synching up the gear was a major issue.  Yet the pulled it off, time and again.  Yes, the rise of MIDI made it easier for