...with club sauce

I'm banking on an episode where Frankenstein gets a paternity test to prove once and for all that the wolf boy is, in fact, not the fruit of his reanimated loins.

Let me meet Don Delillo. Now.

Maybe if it was on vinyl…

I'm positive that I don't.

I'm positive that I don't.

El Homo

Why has no one asked Steve Guttenberg to host the Oscars?  Him and Billy Crystal are almost one in the same, save for the fact that Guttenberg has earned actual street cred from his appearance on Party Down.

This is what democracy looks like!

Having read literally everything by Murakami, I, uh… I guess I just wanted to let everyone know that I read everything by Murakami…

Can't believe no one has gone here yet:

what? oh, uh… 'pascetti'.

forget about what?

*Butt oops.

Coincidence that both Dr. Hibbert and MJ are prone to use "Hee hee"? I like to think not.