
I was screaming at the television, "Hey yo Charles, where's Wallace at, huh? Where's Wallace?" It could have easily worked when Dwight got the phone call from a client saying Michael was trying to raise prices. Dwight could have just run into the break room where String was and asked for Wallace.

I really like this album
So I'm bored and unemployed. I've been going back through a lot of my cd collection, and this one has been in heavy rotation the last week. I really like it, especially the Thunder Road cover, wherein they manage to turn an anthem of redemption and hope into a plea of desperation. There

That was going to be my suggestion, too. I've been on a Bolano kick the last couple of months. Just finished 2666 a couple of weeks ago and really enjoyed it, though I should probably read it again. I kind of breezed through it and I'm not sure I fully digested it.

This is awesome
Not that I don't love the site as is, but I've been fervently hoping for a bit more bookish content.

As awesome as this would be…
I'll believe it when I see it.

The wall of hands making faces in Labyrinth is the part that always got to me, not sure why.

Paul McCartney in clown face
As a small child I had the very common and rational fear of clowns. The most memorable manifestation of said fear is from the movie Give My Regards to Broadstreet, wherein McCartney and his band (maybe it was Wings?) sing Silly Love Songs in this weird white makeup. Basically there's a

You are all wrong.

When those opening chords hit, I still get goosebumps. Every time.

There's something in my eye!


I knew it!
I've been telling everyone within earshot the past couple of days that this show's premise had been done before, but was too lazy to look it up.

Diet Pepsi is about right. No nutritional value. Basically just a place holder. Does nothing wrong, but also doesn't do much right. I'll stick with my Matty Ice, thank you very much.

You and Anna Paquin must share a voice coach.

Pretty sure that's an otter.

Yeah, the trick is to not try to get at the very front and position yourself within a bubble of townies, who are there to drink and listen to good music like everyone should be.

They're great live. Tons of energy. Great songs. Hood and Cooley trading off singing duties keeps you on your toes. If your dad likes good rock music with a bit of twang, then he's sure to enjoy it.

Agreed. Decoration Day is the tits.

Seeing these guys at the 40 Watt
is as good as it gets.

What's worse
than knowing you can't listen to something is not realizing that you can't. I had a pretty bad breakup a couple of years ago, and at the time I was in a real big Neil Young phase, was listening to Harvest Moon in the car on the way to and from the breakup, and had to put him away for a while.