
It's Michelle.  Just like me.  Maybe you should change your name? Just sayin'

Yeah I think they're teasing the newbies with this one a little.  Maybe it's "Ha three leeches, only one death maybe Melisandre isn't that powerful after all - look here's Balon looking at his son's dick in a box!" and then next year boomphf "ah all three bumped off after all lol"

I spent at least 2 books utterly convinced that GreyRobb was alive and stalking around Westeros as a half man/half wolf zombie.

Bitten off, not cut off.  Quite mild for a Travelodge, it's like staying in the Twins in some of those places.

Indeed. Some of us had much smugness as her being pregnant as it proved a pet theory correct.

Emotionally I'm with the Starks, pragmatically I'd like to think I'd make myself useful to Littlefinger.  Though, thinking about it pretty much everyone who has pragmatically sided with LF has ended up dead apart from Sansa 'cos he lurves her. Dammit.

Clive Mantle has been a bit busy having his ear chewed off in a Travelodge in Newcastle (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/u….  Mind, daring to stay in a Travelodge in Newcastle is an act of bravery worthy of the Greatjon himself.

Yo be banging Selys with her babbies-in-a-jar then?

I agree absolutely with Douay-Rheims-Challoner, I always thought Sansa was nu-Catelyn for Littlefinger and the act of taking Sansa for himself was his single-finger salute to Catelyn for her rejection of him. 

@avclub-5bc6960dad8ab0694bb4d6ff884b0c1e:disqus THAT is the question I have been pondering over for the whole six books!

Mate, why the hostility to perfectly reasonable replies to your thread? Chill! Firstly, we're agreeing with you that we're wicked diverse and secondly I am sure that you would be taken a lot more seriously if you showed some manners. If you're not interested in a reply, don't read it instead of slagging people off?

I am a *cough cough* *whispers* 39 year old straight white female snd I pvp as a holy paladin, also for the alliance! (EU-Terokkar in case you were wondering)

Heh we got female fanservice instead in the form of Gendry flahing his rather delicious pecs - I am sure normal service will be resumed for the gentlemen next week but it was rather nice to have some fun of our own… :-)

I was thinking they would leave the sack of Winterfell until the penultimate episode, foreshadow it a bit more with Theon and his angst and whatever else I think ppl would be a bit 'where the hell did that come from?!' though to be fair I lost concentration a little during that phase of the book and was completely

Am I remembering wrongly, or did Sean Bean already have that done to him in one of his other deaths? (horses not the pear)

Roz is Ta'veren, clearly.